Java Reference
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{ 6 , 5 }, { 6 , 7 },
{ 7 , 4 }, { 7 , 5 }, { 7 , 6 }, { 7 , 8 },
{ 8 , 4 }, { 8 , 7 }, { 8 , 9 }, { 8 , 10 }, { 8 , 11 },
{ 9 , 8 }, { 9 , 11 },
{ 10 , 2 }, { 10 , 4 }, { 10 , 8 }, { 10 , 11 },
{ 11 , 8 }, { 11 , 9 }, { 11 , 10 }
This representation is known as the edge array . The vertices and edges in Figure 28.3a can be
represented as follows:
edge array
String[] names = { "Peter" , "Jane" , "Mark" , "Cindy" , "Wendy" };
int [][] edges = {{ 0 , 2 }, { 1 , 2 }, { 2 , 4 }, { 3 , 4 }};
28.3.3 Representing Edges: Edge Objects
Another way to represent the edges is to define edges as objects and store the edges in a
java.util.ArrayList . The Edge class can be defined as follows:
public class Edge {
int u;
int v;
public Edge( int u, int v) {
this .u = u;
this .v = v;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return u == ((Edge)o).u && v == ((Edge)o).v;
For example, you can store all the edges in the graph in Figure 28.1 using the following list:
java.util.ArrayList<Edge> list = new java.util.ArrayList<>();
list.add( new Edge( 0 , 1 ));
list.add( new Edge( 0 , 3 ));
list.add( new Edge( 0 , 5 ));
Storing Edge objects in an ArrayList is useful if you don't know the edges in advance.
While representing edges using an edge array or Edge objects in Section 28.3.2 and earlier
in this section may be intuitive for input, it's not efficient for internal processing. The next two
sections introduce the representation of graphs using adjacency matrices and adjacency lists .
These two data structures are efficient for processing graphs.
28.3.4 Representing Edges: Adjacency Matrices
Assume that the graph has n vertices. You can use a two-dimensional n
n matrix,
say adjacencyMatrix , to represent the edges. Each element in the array is 0 or 1 .
adjacencyMatrix[i][j] is 1 if there is an edge from vertex i to vertex j ; otherwise,
adjacencyMatrix[i][j] is 0 . If the graph is undirected, the matrix is symmetric, because
adjacencyMatrix[i][j] is the same as adjacencyMatrix[j][i] . For example, the
edges in the graph in Figure 28.1 can be represented using an adjacency matrix as follows:
adjacency matrix
int [][] adjacencyMatrix = {
{ 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 }, // Seattle
{ 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 }, // San Francisco
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