Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
List 1
List 2
Epizootic Haematopoietic Necrosis (EHN)
Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis (IPN)
Infectious Haematopoietic Necrosis (IHN)
Oncorhynchus masou virus disease (OMVD)
Viral hemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS)
Infectious Salmon Anaemia (ISA)
Spring viraemia of carp (SVC)
Jaundice/Icteric syndrome
Viral encephalopathy and retinopathy (VER)
Atypical furunculosis
Enteric septicaemia of channel catfish (ESC)
White sturgeon iridoviral disease(WSIVD)
Amoebic gill disease (AGD)
Epizootic ulcerative syndrome (EUS)
Renibacteriosis (BKD)
Pancreas Disease (PD)
Red sea bream iridoviral disease (RSIVD)
Table 7. Classification of High Risk Diseases (Rs. 2352, 2008, Subpesca).
treatments. The Rs. 70 introduces procedures for the sanitary control of broodstock and
general sanitary conditions for domestic broodstock, spawning, egg and reproduction,
including physical barriers for facilities, in/out water treatment. In broodstock, an individual
sanitary control for HRD list 2 including PD and BKD should be performed. The Rs. 71 or
sanitary management for feed establishes the use of medicated feed (personal, storage,
traceability, corrective actions, monitoring proceedings, etc.). The Rs. 72 provides cleaning and
disinfection procedures in fish production, hence establishes conditions for proceeding
towards cleaning and disinfection in fish farming facilities applying for facilities, tools,
equipment, personal, working clothes, and water. It also applies for vessels, trucks, wellboats,
etc. Furthermore, specific programs regarding surveillance and control of diseases in farmed
fish have been launched by Sernapesca since 2004. The specific program for control and
surveillance of caligidosis established proceedings and obligatory managements for sea and
estuarine water production including treatments, reporting data, and others. The specific
sanitary program for the control of Caligus was enacted in 2008. Further, in 2010 the Rs. No.
873 strengthens the control and certification for the origin of imported egg from countries
where PD and ISA are present. The resolution demands individual screening for the
broodstock, especially for keeping the country free of the HRD list 1 (Table 7). The Specific
Surveillance and Control Program for ISAv went into effect in 2008. Currently, a new
regulation came into force in 2011, although having the same focus as the former in 2008; it is
stricter in immediate notification and relies in a risk-based surveillance.
6. Restructuration of the industry and new legislations
The latest amendment of the LGPA was performed in 2010 driven by the severe social and
economic consequences of the sanitary and production crisis. Although the draft of
amendment for the LGPA was developed during first quarter of 2009, it was not until March
of 2010 that it was enacted. This amendment has been the largest and most significant for
the Chilean aquaculture. Some of the essential issues in this law are attribution to establish
appropriate areas for aquaculture activities (AAA), which is a place with common
epidemiologic, oceanographic, operational or geographic characteristics. It also has
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