Travel Reference
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The signal to dance, known as cabeceo, involves a quick tilt of the head, eye contact
and uplifted eyebrows. This can happen from way across the room. The woman to whom
the cabeceo is directed either nods yes and smiles or pretends not to have noticed (a rejec-
tion). If she says yes the man gets up and escorts her to the floor. A hint: if you're at a mi-
longa and don't want to dance with anyone, don't look around too much - you could be
breaking some hearts.
So why is it that tango becomes so addictive for some? Experienced dancers will tell
you this: the adrenaline rush you get from an excellent performance is like a successful
conquest. Some days it lifts you up to exhilarating heights and other days it can bring you
crashing down. You fall for the passion and beauty of the tango's movements, trying to at-
tain a physical perfection that can never be fully realized. The best you can do is to make
the journey as graceful and passionate as possible.
Playing the bandoneón
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