Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Privately run international and national services are available. Federal Express has its central branch at
Maipú 753. Other choices are DHL International ( 0810-122-3345; ; Av Córdoba 783).
OCA ( ) and Andreani ( ) are good for domestic packages; both have
many locations around town.
Public Holidays
Government offices and businesses are closed on the numerous national holidays. If a holiday falls midweek
or on a weekend day, it's often bumped to the nearest Monday; if it falls on a Tuesday or Thursday, then the
in-between Monday or Friday are taken as holidays.
Public-transportation options are more limited on holidays, when you should reserve tickets far in ad-
vance. Hotel booking should also be done ahead of time.
January 1 Año Nuevo; New Year's Day
February or March Carnaval - dates vary; a Monday and Tuesday become holidays
March 24 Día de la Memoria; anniversary of the day that started the 1976 dictatorship and subsequent Dirty
March/April Semana Santa (Easter week) - dates vary; most businesses close on Good 'Thursday' and
Good Friday; major travel week
April 2 Día de las Malvinas; honors the fallen Argentine soldiers from the Islas Malvinas (Falkland Islands)
war in 1829
May 1 Día del Trabajor; Labor Day
May 25 Día de la Revolución de Mayo; commemorates the 1810 revolution against Spain
June 20 Día de la Bandera (Flag Day); anniversary of death of Manuel Belgrano, creator of Argentina's flag
and military leader
July 9 Día de la Independencia; Independence Day
August (third Monday) Día del Libertador San Martín; marks the anniversary of José de San Martín's death
October (second Monday) Día del Respeto a la Diversidad Cultural; a day to respect cultural diversity
November (fourth Monday) Día de la Soberanía Nacional; day of national sovereignty
December 8 Día de la Concepción Inmaculada; celebrates the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary
December 25 Navidad; Christmas Day
Note that Christmas Eve and New Year's Day are treated as semi-holidays, and you will find some busi-
nesses closed for the latter half of those days.
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