Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Di Tella, Guido, and D. C. M. Platt, eds. The Political Economy of
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Gallo, Ezequiel. Farmers in Revolt: The Revolutions of 1893 in the
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Guy, Donna J. SexandDangerinBuenosAires:Prostitution,Family,and
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Hora, Roy. TheLandownersoftheArgentinePampas:ASocialandPolitical
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Horowitz, Joel. Argentina's Radical Party and Popular Mobilization,
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Karush, Matthew B. Workers or Citizens: Democracy and Identity in
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Lewis, Colin M. BritishRailwaysinArgentina,1857-1914:ACaseStudy
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McGann, Thomas F. Argentina,theUnitedStates,andtheInter-American
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McGee Deutsch, Sandra. Counterrevolution inArgentina:TheArgentine
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Munck, Ronaldo, Ricardo Falcón, and Bernardo Galitelli. Argentina
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1985. London: Zed, 1987.
Plotkin, Mariano Ben. Freud on the Pampas: The Emergence and
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Stanford University Press, 2001.
Randall, Laura. An Economic History of Argentina in the Twentieth
Century. New York: Columbia University Press, 1978.
Rapoport, Mario, Eduardo Madrid, Andrés Musacchio, and Ricardo
Vicente. Historia económica, política y social de la Argentina (1880-
2000) . Buenos Aires: Ediciones Macchi, 2000.
Regalsky, Andrés. Mercados,inversoresyélites:Lasinversionesfrancesas
enlaArgentina,1880-1914 . Buenos Aires: Eduntref, 2002.
Richmond, Douglas. Carlos Pelligrini and the Crisis of the Argentine
Elites,1880-1916. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1989.
Rocchi, Fernando. ChimneysintheDesert:IndustrializationinArgentina
duringtheExportBoomYears,1870-1930 . Stanford: Stanford University
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Rock, David. StateBuildingandPoliticalMovementsinArgentina,1860-
1916 . Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2002.
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