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T To the Argentine people and the soldiers of the fatherland:
In my role as chief of the revolution, I turn to the people and
especially to my comrades in all the armed forces, in order to request
your collaboration in our movement.
The navy, the air force, and the army of the fatherland are abandon-
ing its bases and barracks once again in order to intervene in the civic
life of the nation. We do it impelled by the imperative of love of liberty
and of the honor of a subjugated people, who wish to live in accord
with their traditions and who are not resigned to indefinitely serve
the caprice of a dictator who abuses the power of the government to
humiliate his fellow citizens.
Under the pretext of underwriting the postulates of social justice
that nobody disputes, because in the present hour it is the common
desire of all Argentines, he has annihilated the rights and guarantees
of the constitution and has substituted the juridical order with his
subjugating and despotic will. This ignoble oppression only has served
to bring out the apogee of corruption and the destruction of culture
and the economy, of all that which is fearful symbol, the burning
of the churches and of the sacrosanct archives of the Fatherland,
the enslavement of the justices, the reduction of the university to
dishonest bureaucracy, and the tragic crucifixion that compromises
the future of the republic with the handing over of its sources of
. . . We say it simply, with full and reflective deliberation. The sword
that we have unsheathed in order to defend the standard of the nation
will not fulfill its duty without honor. Life without honor does not inter-
est us, and we pledge our actions to the future of our children and to
the dignity of our families.
Source: “Primer mensaje del general Eduardo Lonardi,” September 17,
1955. In Verbitsky, Horacio. Medio siglo de proclamas militares (Buenos
Aires: Editora 12, 1987), pp. 60-62.
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