Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
A Day Out in Brooklyn
Take the No. 2 or 3
subway train to Eastern
Parkway - Brooklyn
Museum, for the world-
class Brooklyn Museum
(see p41) . The museum
is part of a civic complex
that includes the stately
Grand Army Plaza, the
Brooklyn Botanic
Garden (see p151), with
its well-known Japanese
garden, and neighboring
Prospect Park .
Historic Richmond Town
heroes of America's most win-
ning baseball team include Joe
DiMaggio and Mickey Mantle.
The legendary 54,000-seat
stadium was updated in the
1970s, but a new modern complex
may appear in the future. d East
161st St and River Avenue, Bronx
Subway 161st St-River Avenue
Opening times vary Admission charge
Along the western edge
of Prospect Park is the
beautiful Park Slope
Historic District . Stop
for coffee at Ozzie's, 57
7th Avenue, before taking
in the area's historic resi-
dences. Browse the hip
line-up of small shops
along 7th Avenue, and
stop for lunch at one of
the many cafés here.
Historic Richmond
This restored village has 29 build-
ings from the town of Richmond,
Staten Island's seat of govern-
ment from 1729. Other historic
buildings were moved here from
other sites. The Dutch-style Voor-
lezer's House (1695) is the island's
oldest home on its original site.
d 441 Clarke Avenue, Staten Island
Bus S74 from ferry Open Sep-Jun:
1-5pm Wed-Sun; Jul-Aug: 10am-5pm
Wed-Sat, 1-5pm Sun Admission charge
Return by train to Borough
Hall and head for the
Brooklyn Heights Historic
District . Walk along Pierre-
pont, Willow, and Cranberry
streets to see some 19th
century houses; Truman
Capote wrote Breakfast at
Tiffany's in the basement
of No. 70 Willow, and
Arthur Miller once owned
the property at No. 155.
City Island/North Wind
Institute Museum
This tiny Bronx outpost on Long
Island Sound was founded in
1685. The boatyards are a forest
of masts, and the main street is
lined with seafood restaurants
and nautical bars. The North Wind
Institute Museum is full of nautical
lore. d North Wind Institute Museum,
190 Fordham St, City Island, Bronx Sub-
way Pelham Bay Park & Bx29 bus to City
Island Open 1-5pm Sun Admission
A short walk east brings
you to Atlantic Avenue
(see p156) . Look in on the
spice shops here, and
stop for refreshments at
the Waterfront Ale House,
155 Atlantic Avenue. Head
back to the Brooklyn
Bridge, stopping at the
Brooklyn Heights Prom-
enade for dramatic vistas
of Lower Manhattan's
towers. End the day with
dinner at the romantic
River Café (see p157) .
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