Environmental Engineering Reference
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those details. Where specific details are required about statutory designated
sites, these can be obtained from the websites of the national nature conser-
vation agencies or the JNCC.
The ERA framework was launched in Autumn 2008.
The authors thank members of the ERA project board, including representa-
tives from the Environment Agency, Natural England, Countryside Council
for Wales, Scottish Natural Heritage, Scottish Environmental Protection
Agency, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Welsh Assembly
Government, Local Authorities and industrial partners. In addition, the
authors thank the numerous consultants that contributed to the various Envir-
onment Agency science reports that underpin the ERA framework. Finally, the
authors thank the British Ecological Society for the invitation to present this
work at the Special Symposium on Industrial Pollution.
British Standards Institution. (2001) Investigation
of Potentially Contaminated Sites Code of
Practice, BS10175. ISBN 0 580 33090 7. British
Standards Institution, London.
Dale, V. H., Biddinger, G. R., Newman, M. C. et al.
(2008) Enhancing the ecological risk
assessment process. Integrated Environmental
Assessment and Management 4, 306 313.
DEFRA. (2006) Environmental Protection Act 1990:
Part 2A Contaminated Land. Circular 01/2006,
September 2006. Department for
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, UK.
DETR. (2000) Contaminated Land Environmental
Protection Act 1990: Part IIA. Circular 02/2000.
Department of the Environment, Transport
and the Regions, London.
EC. (2003) Technical Guidance Document on Risk
Assessment in Support of Commission Directive
93/67/EEC on Risk Assessment for New Notified
Substances, Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1488/
94 on Risk Assessment of Existing Substances and
Directive 98/8/EC of the European Parliament and of
the Council Concerning the Placing of Biocidal
Products on the Market. European Commission,
Joint Research Centre, EUR 20418 EN.
Environment Agency. (2003) Ecological Risk
Framework and Methods for Assessing Harm to
Ecosystems from Contaminants in Soil.
December 2003. Environment Agency,
Bristol, UK.
Environment Agency. (2004a) Model Procedures
for the Management of Land Contamination.
Contaminated Land Report (CLR). 11 September
2004. Environment Agency, Bristol, UK.
Environment Agency. (2004b) Biological Test
Methods for Assessing Contaminated Land. Stage
2 A Demonstration of the Use of a Framework
for the Ecological Risk Assessment of Land
Contamination. R&D Technical Report,
P5 069/TR1. EnvironmentAgency, Bristol, UK.
Environment Agency. (2004c) Application of
Sub lethal Ecotoxicological Tests for Measuring
Harm in Terrestrial Ecosystems. R&D Technical
Report P5 063/TR2. Environment Agency,
Bristol, UK.
Environment Agency. (2008a) Guidance on Desk
Studies and Conceptual Site Models for Ecological
Risk Assessment. Science Report, SC070009/
SR2a. Environment Agency, Bristol, UK.
Environment Agency. (2008b) Guidance on
the use of Ecological Surveys in Ecological
Risk Assessment. Science Report,
SC070009/SR2d. Environment Agency,
Bristol, UK.
A public consultation on a
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