Environmental Engineering Reference
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Table 5.2. Reported subtle effects of pharmaceutical compounds on aquatic and terrestrial organisms
Med c ne c ass
Reported effect
Fenf uram ne
Anorex c
Enhances re ease of seroton n (5-HT) n crayf sh wh ch n turn
tr ggers the re ease of ovary-s mu at ng hormone resu t ng n
arger oocytes w th enhanced amounts of v te n;
In f dd er crabs, st mu ates the product on of
gonad-st mu at ng hormone acce erat ng test cu ar
maturat on
Reported n Daughton &
Ternes 1999
17a-eth ny estrad o
Contracept ve
Endocr ne d srupt ng effects on f sh
Avermect ns
Paras t c de
Adu ts nsects - oss of water ba ance, d srupt on of feed ng
and reduced fat accumu at on, de ayed ovar an
deve opment, decreased fecund ty and mpa red mat ng;
Juven e nsects - de ayed deve opment, reduced growth
rates, deve opment of phys ca abnorma t es, mpa rment of
pupar at on or emergence and a oss of deve opmenta
F oate et al. 2005
Tetracyc nes, macro des
and streptomyc n
Ant bacter a s
Ant bacter a res stance measured n so bacter a obta ned
from s tes treated w th p g s urry
Senge ov et al. 2003
Cypermethr n
Ectoparas t c de
Impact on dung decompos t on
Sommer & B bby 2002
Fenbendazo e
Paras t c de
Impact on dung decompos t on
Sommer & B bby 2002
Ty os n
Ant bacter a
Impacts on the structure of so m crob a commun t es
Westergaard et al. 2001
Erythromyc n
Ant bacter a
Inh b t on of growth cyanobacter a and aquat c p ants
Pomat et al. 2004
Tetracy c ne
Ant bacter a
Inh b t on of growth cyanobacter a and aquat c p ants
Pomat et al. 2004
Ant - nf ammatory
St mu at on of growth of cyanobacter a and nh b t on of
growth of aquat c p ants
Pomat et al. 2004
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