Environmental Engineering Reference
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0.63 9 10 6
t (1.39 9 10 9
lb) CO 2 emissions per year, could be saved through
improved methods [ 43 ].
Improved coordination is required between civilian and military users con-
cerning the daily use of airspace blocks in order to avoid airspace congestion and
to increase fuel savings.
Through reforming flight navigation, airspace organization, and ATC, the
aviation industry could reduce fuel consumption by 15%.
In the European Union, the ''Single Sky'' initiative started in 2008. EU
researchers demonstrated new technologies on a large scale within the SESAR
initiative. According to the aims of the Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research,
the fuel consumption and the CO 2 emissions in European aviation should be
reduced by 50% by 2020 compared with the year 2000. NO and NO 2 emissions
should be lowered by 80% and noise output by 50% [ 44 ].
14.3 Ship Navigation
Planning of marine transportation involves freight and business conditions. Nav-
igation in shipping is the process of steering a ship from one harbor to another. The
quality of navigation highly influences fuel consumption and exhaust gas emis-
sions. Nowadays, the navigation system determines the position of a ship by
collecting information from satellites [ 45 ].
Figure 14.7 shows the main influencing factors for ship navigation [ 46 ].
IMO guidelines define appraisal, planning, execution, and monitoring of the
voyage which are parts of the passage and navigation planning and are reflected in
the local laws of IMO signatory countries [ 47 ].
Navigation planning comprises a complete description of vessels from the start
to the finish of the voyage. The plan includes leaving the dock and harbor, the end
route portion of the voyage, and the approach to the destination. According to
international law, the vessel's captain is legally responsible for navigation plan-
ning, but on larger vessels, the task is usually delegated to the navigator [ 48 ].
The appraisal stage deals with the collection of information relevant to the
proposed voyage as well as fuel consumption and exhaust gas emissions. In the
execution of the voyage, the navigation plan takes all special circumstances into
account, e.g., changes in the weather which may require the navigation plan to be
reviewed or altered [ 49 ].
14.3.1 Shipboard Routing Assistance
Shipboard Routing Assistance (SRAS) increases the safety of the ship and reduces
the risk to the ship and its cargo. With SRAS the officers on the bridge can
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