Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Gay & Lesbian Bangkok
Bangkok has a notoriously pink vibe to it. From kinky male-under-
wear shops mushrooming at street corners to lesbian-only nightclubs, as a ho-
mosexual you could eat, shop and play here for weeks without ever leaving the
comfort of gay-friendly venues. Unlike elsewhere in Southeast Asia, homosexual-
ity is not criminalised in Thailand and the general attitude remains extremely
Gay Men
Gay people are out and ubiquitous in Bangkok. Yet gay male (and lesbian) couples, like
straight couples, do not show public affection, unless they are purposefully flouting social
Although it would be a stretch to claim that Bangkok's lesbian scene is as vibrant as its
male gay scene, lesbians have become more visible in recent years. It's worth noting that,
perhaps because Thailand is still a relatively conservative place, lesbians in Bangkok gen-
erally adhere to rather strict gender roles. Overtly 'butch' lesbians, called tom (from 'tom-
boy'), typically have short hair, bind their breasts and wear men's clothing. Femme lesbi-
ans refer to themselves as dêe (from 'lady'). Visiting lesbians who don't fit into one of
these categories may find themselves met with confusion.
Transgender People
Bangkok is famous for its open and visible transgender population - known locally as
ga ̀ ·teu·i (also spelt kàthoey ). Some are cross-dressers, while others have had sex reassign-
ment surgery - Thailand is one of the leading countries for this procedure. Foreigners seem
to be especially fascinated by Thai transgender males as they often appear very feminine,
and ga ̀ ·teu·i cabarets aimed at tourists are popular venues for observing gender-bending.
For more, see our interview with a transgender activist ( Click here ) .
Beneath the party vibe, serious issues remain for Bangkok's vast and visible population of
LGBT people. After the government's initial success slowing the progression of HIV
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