Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
contain the technical sequence of the procedure but also all business and company
related information for the requirements in question. For preparation and clearing
the usual rules from request management have to be observed. Budget
On the basis of the functional specification a first budget can be drafted. The
following expenditures have to be taken into account:
￿ Hardware (purchase, leasing or rent),
￿ Storage media (ditto),
￿ Software and interface adjustments,
￿ IT technical support,
￿ Customising,
￿ Support from business units,
￿ Overheads for project management,
￿ Documentation,
￿ Training,
￿ Acceptance.
Quite often the budget is alimented from different sources. In case the purchaser
is a business unit he will bear most of the costs. The system components listed here
initially refer to a test environment. The budget for the productive system has to be
drafted separately. It is important that already early on in the process there is clarity
about the total budget for system building to avoid delays right at the beginning
because of financial bottlenecks or responsibilities. Consulting Business Units
The importance to consult the business units concerned has been mentioned already
in connection with budget questions (see above). But the cooperation of business
units is equally important with respect to content. Their participations is necessary
especially for
￿ Drafting functional specifications,
￿ The section of test data,
￿ Quality assurance of data,
￿ Customising,
￿ Acceptance,
￿ Process documentation,
￿ Training.
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