Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 5.5 Acceptance test tasks
Acceptance tasks xyz n.m
Acceptance measures
Acceptance Tests Announcement
Request Management
Install Steering Group
Actions :
Sub-Project Management
￿ Draft schedule for acceptance tests
￿ Install acceptance test team
Schedule Tests for acceptance test team
Steering Group/QM Customer
￿ Collect and verify reference documents
￿ Coordinate test cases/test process steps
￿ Define and provide test data
￿ Identify acceptance criteria
￿ Update acceptance test time schedule
Prepare acceptance test system
Input : protocol of provisioning
Actions :
Steering Group
￿ Upload dump
￿ Documentation xyz and patch level
￿ Interfaces ready
￿ Functional check
￿ Clear day-to-day scenarios
Carry out partial acceptance tests
Input :
￿ Test process steps
￿ Time schedule
￿ Individual functions
￿ Access rights concept
Output: tracker, test reports, problem repository
Actions :
Proceed through test process steps
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