Information Technology Reference
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Missing pre-conditions are to be recorded in the protocol and checked against
possible impairment of acceptance readiness. Once all conditions have been met the
acceptance team declares acceptance test readiness and records it in the protocol of
provisioning. The acceptance team decides upon possible measures necessary to
establish acceptance test readiness.
The relevant dates for acceptance are the following:
June 30 2015
Delivery Software xyz n.1
July 1st 2015
Provision of Acceptance Criteria
August 12 2015
Provisioning Training System
August 16 2015
Provisioning Test Cases and Test Data for Acceptance
August 19 2015
Provisioning Software for Acceptance Testing
August 30 2015
Acceptance Partial Acceptance
Some components and their specific features of system xyz can be checked by
different dedicated acceptance tests. They are:
￿ User functions
￿ Access rights
￿ Simulated interface functions.
5.4.5 Set Up of the Tests Basic Principles
The overall test scenario is based on two pillars:
￿ Dissection of the main process xyz into clearly identified and identifiable test
￿ Transformation of these test cases into separate test process steps within a
defined configuration and on the basis of appropriate test data. Dissection of the Business Process xyz
The dissection of the main process follows this hierarchy:
￿ Sub-process level 1
￿ Sub-process level 2
￿ Work instruction.
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