Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
￿ Sub-Process Level 1 (acc. Fig. 3.1 )
￿ Sub-Process Level 2 (acc. Fig. 3.1 )
￿ Work Instruction: smallest process step regarding for example data entry for a
business scenario
￿ Cont. No.: unequivocal identification number for each variant of the work
instruction, generated usually from the process hierarchy (for example
￿ Variant: referring to different initial situations of a particular work instruction,
for example referring to different customer segments, when entering a contract
￿ Input: batch or online
￿ Output: expected output after executing a particular algorithm, a sort or a
listing etc.
￿ Acceptance Criteria: additional criteria other than “output” (for example locking
accesses to certain data, performance etc.)
Acceptance Protocol: Software xyz—Version n.m
Distribution List:
Acceptance Date:
1. Objectives
2. Acceptance Procedure for Software xyz
3. Participants
4. Acceptance Objects
5. Result
6. Acceptance Statement
1. Objectives
The present document summarises the results of the acceptance tests for system
xyz, Release n.m.
2. Acceptance Procedure for Software xyz
￿ The software package xyz has been made available for acceptance tests at the
mm.dd.yyyy to the customer ABC.
￿ Aim and purpose of the acceptance tests for this system were to verify, whether
all project objectives and requests for the software system delivered have been
fulfilled, by mutual agreement.
￿ Criteria for the assessment of the degree of fulfilment were test scenarios agreed
upon by the customer ABC and the supplier DEF, which were provided as a
basis for systematic and thorough testing.
￿ The mutually agreed acceptance procedures are laid down in the document
“Acceptance Specification xyz Version n.m”. Important changes/corrections
were documented in agreement protocols and implemented in time.
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