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at this early stage, it does not make sense to test the associated corresponding
business functions at this stage. The PfT date is somewhat decoupled from the
rest of the schedule, except that is has to precede the following two dates:
￿ PfA
Provisioning for Acceptance.
This date is definitely the first day of acceptance testing with the participation
of the customer. It is expected that all systems are ready, that the necessary
infrastructure fits, that test scripts are available and test data uploaded. A
protocol of provisioning has been drafted.
￿ PfO ¼ Provisioning for putting into Operation.
Acceptance has been granted; the final evaluation report has been drafted. The
new software can be rolled out into operation. For this either a release modifi-
cation with all migration details has to be scheduled or an update to be provided.
The update will be uploaded during operation downtime and should be put into
production thereafter. It is in the interest of the customer that the PfO date should
be after acceptance, which sometimes is difficult to maintain.
Initialisation of Acceptance Procedures
Acceptance procedures themselves commence long before the PfT date. As soon as
the functional contents of the acceptance object (request process) has been clarified
quality management should initiate a kick-off meeting with all parties concerned. In
this meeting the state of the specification documents is reviewed, rough scheduling
regarding the acceptance process is presented and responsibilities are allocated. If
possible a representative of the overall project management should be present to
lend weight to the importance of the undertaking. The kick-off minutes are recorded
in writing and will later be archived as part of the acceptance documentation.
3.4.3 Problem and Idea Repository
Prior to the PfA date two exchange media have to be created in the acceptance
￿ A problem repository and
￿ An idea repository.
tables, are at the disposition
for all participants of the test team in write modus. The access path is to be
communicated before hand.
All errors identified during acceptance tests or other functional problems are to
be documented in the problem repository—with priorities assigned to them initially
according to the subjective error criteria of the tester. The problem repository will
These tools, which can be either Word or EXCEL
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