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Fig. 10.4 Collective task
Fig. 10.5 Completion status
The degree of completion is visible as a small black bar within the task bar to
document project progression. Once it has been decided to maintain this data item it
obviously means extra work to be done on a regular basis.
In the presented rather simplified Gantt depictions here quite a number of refined
possibilities have been left out:
￿ Linking of tasks
￿ Documentation of task owners and
￿ Capacity reports.
Altogether the Gantt diagram is quite possibly the most often applied chart in
project management.
10.3.3 Mile Stone Plan
The mile stone plan shown in Fig. 10.6 is a kind of Gantt diagram subset.
Again all tasks can be seen and the mile stones are depicted as black rhom-
buses. Such a mile stone may stand at the end of a task. The task is closed once
the mile stone has been reached. But a mile stone can also stand alone
representing a once and for all task of very short duration—for example for a
single decision to be made. Mile stones are always linked to a specific date and
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