Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
9.4.3 Threats
As will be outlined further down possible threats are manifold and specific for the
area of wireless communications and surpass classical risk scenarios. They can be
classified roughly in the following manner:
￿ Direct access to central hardware with the intention to destroy or disrupt
￿ Spying attempts on central applications
￿ Spying attempts on decentralized applications
￿ Attempts to manipulate central and/or decentralized data
￿ Deployment of malware and
￿ Theft of terminal devices.
In addition there are many more aspects, which will not be discussed in
detail here.
9.4.4 Equipment
Equipment bearing a high risk potential are among others:
￿ Central IT installations
￿ Fixed peripheral devices
￿ Mobile terminal devices
￿ External storage media and
￿ Communication modules (modems, ports, switches etc.)
9.4.5 Utility Services
Utility services are prone to create risks, once they
￿ Do not function or
￿ Function wrongly.
Electricity supplies belong to the first category. To prevent interruptions emer-
gency power supplies have to be on standby. Water supplies belong to the latter
category, if large quantities of water penetrate computer rooms and endanger
hardware due to water pipe fracture. For both cases emergency plans have to be
drawn up.
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