Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information Legal Regulations
Every country issues laws, which may also be relevant to IT security under different
aspects. These include:
￿ Data privacy protection
￿ Laws regulating information and communication services
￿ Laws regulating telecommunications
￿ Signature regulations and
￿ Many others. Guidelines and Standards
Government agencies offer guidelines based on international standards concerning
IT security. Three of these standards will be outline in the following: Standard ISO/IEC 13335
This standard together with the two others to be presented here were developed in
cooperation with the International Electro-technical Commission in Geneva. The
document outlines general principles as a reference base for more specific stan-
dards. It mainly contains:
￿ Concepts and models
security in information and communication
￿ Technical preconditions for the management of security risks and
￿ Guidelines concerning network security. Standard ISO/IEC 17799
This standard offers approaches and step sequences for the strategic implemen-
tation of IT security systems. Detailed technical instructions are not included in this
document. Its character is recommendatory without any binding force. Standard 27001
The title of this standard reads: “Information Technology—Security Techniques—
Information Security Management Systems Requirements Specifications”. This
standard also has recommendatory character. Technical instructions for implemen-
tation are not given.
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