Information Technology Reference
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information has to be brought into relation to the corresponding log files manually
for deeper analysis later. Additional tools provide for:
￿ Selection of main memory segments,
￿ Selection of specific users,
￿ Task related CPU time,
￿ Momentary execution status of programs or
￿ Access to selected files.
Some tools deliver process state overviews. These can comprise:
￿ User related information,
￿ % of actual CPU,
￿ % of actual memory,
￿ Actual external storage media occupancy,
￿ Process status (active, idle
Time dependent data should be stored. Additionally to the monitor data the usual
system queries should be recorded:
￿ Current sessions,
￿ Jobs,
￿ I/Os,
￿ Corresponding system logs.
There is a gray area between dynamical and static data with respect to:
￿ The frequency of standard function calls by users and
￿ The production schedule.
In addition to the already mentioned reports and dynamical system information
performance monitors deliver excerpts of the impact of applications currently
￿ Average processor usage,
￿ Time dependent processor usage,
￿ Average memory usage,
￿ Time depending memory usage,
￿ Current processes with status,
￿ Files opened,
￿ Disc occupancy,
￿ Communication traffic.
Figures 7.13 , 7.14 , 7.15 , 7.16 show typical screen reports of performance
measurements (from the TuneUp
tool of TuneUp company).
Besides this general monitoring some aspects need special attention. One of
them concerns paging activity in main memory. Paging or swapping always leads to
delays in response times and thus strains the CPU as well. And then paging causes
also I/Os to the detriment of other user demands. Altogether, the fact that online
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