Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Map at Jebel Amud
2 miles) north-
rked with
s. It is
Road map C7. 30 km (19 miles)
SE of the Desert Highway (Route
53). Turn off 45 km (28 miles) N
of Aqaba. & 8 advisable for
visiting the desert. Jeeps, camels
and guides available at the Rest
House or in Rum village. Rest
House Tel (03) 201 8867.
n Pillars of Wisdom
spectacular peak, also
wn as Jebel Makhras, is
ed after TE Lawrence's
us book, not, as is often
gested, vice versa. Wadi
akhras, just to the south,
des hiking access to Wadi
Umm Ishrin and beyond.
Lawrence of Arabia, the
most famous British hero
of World War I, earned his
nickname for his exploits
fighting alongside the Arab
tribes that revolted against
Turkish rule in 1915. Sent
to Mecca in 1916 to liaise
with leaders of the revolt,
he then led many Arab
guerrilla operations in the
desert, including attacks on
the Hejaz Railway, some
launched from Wadi Rum.
He also took part in the
capture of Aqaba and the
advance on Damascus. The
Seven Pillars of Wisdom ,
his account of the Arab
Revolt, contains lyrical
descriptions of the dramatic
scenery around Wadi Rum.
rge outcrop, seen here
northern end, flanks
ful Barrah Canyon,
is a stunning hike best
ated from the south.
bel Burdah rock bridge
s spectacularly situated
and can be reached via a
moderately difficult climb.
. Jebel Umm Fruth
Rock Bridge
This dramatic natural
phenomenon is one
of several rock bridges
in the area. It rises
straight from the desert
floor and can be
climbed and crossed
without difficulty.
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