Environmental Engineering Reference
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Yeh GT (1981) Analytical transient one-, two-, and three-dimensional simulation of waste transport
in the aquifer system, ORNL-5602, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
Yeh GT, Tripathi VS (1990) HYDROGEOCHEM: a coupled model of hydrological and geo-
chemical equilibrium of multicomponent systems. Rep ORNL-6371, Oak Ridge Natl Lab, Oak
Ridge, TN
Yeh GT, Salvage KM, Gwo JP, Zachara JM, Szecsody JE (1998) HYDROBIOGEOCHEM: a cou-
pled model of hydrological transport and mixed biochemical kinetic/equilibrium reactions in
saturated-unsaturated media. Rep. ORNL/TM-13668, Oak Ridge Natl Lab, Oak Ridge, TN
Zyvoloski GA, Robinson BA, Dash ZV, Trease LL (1997) Summary of the models and methods
for the FEHM application - a finite element heat- and mass-transfer code. Los Alamos National
Laboratory Report LA-13307-MS, NM
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