Environmental Engineering Reference
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18.2.5 Penman-Monteith Equation for Evapotranspiration
For evapotranspiration to occur, three conditions are needed in the soil-plant-
atmosphere system (Jensen et al. 1990 ):
1. a supply of water must be available;
2. energy must be available to convert liquid water into vapour water;
3. a vapour pressure gradient must exist to create a flux from the evaporating surface
to the atmosphere.
Penman ( 1948 ) proposed a combination method by introducing an energy bal-
ance (condition 2) and a mass transfer term in an aerodynamic formula (condition
3) into a single equation to calculate ET . Penman's method was developed to cal-
culate E as open water evaporation. Written as the weighted sum of the rates
of evaporation due to net radiation, E r (MJ m 2 d 1 ), and turbulent mass trans-
fer, E a (MJ m 2 d 1 ), Penman's equation for the evaporative latent heat flux,
(MJ m 2 d 1 ), is:
+ γ
+ γ
E r +
E a
is the latent heat of vaporization (MJ kg 1 ),
is the slope of the vapour
pressure curve (kPa C 1 ) and
is the psychrometric constant (kPa C 1 ). E r is
given by:
E r =
R n
where R n is the net radiation flux (MJ m 2 d 1 ) and G is the sensible heat flux into
the soil (MJ m 2 d 1 ), and E a by:
E a =
W f ( e s
e a )
where e s and e a are the saturation and actual vapour pressures, respectively (kPa),
( e s - e a ) is the saturation vapour pressure deficit, and W f is a wind function (MJ d 1
kPa 1 ). A linear wind function was found to be adequate, defined as (Allen 2001 ):
W f
K w ( a w +
b w u 2 )
where K w is a units conversion factor [6.43 for ET 0 in mm d 1 ], and a w and b w are
empirical wind function coefficients often obtained by regional or local calibration.
The Penman method to estimate the evaporation from open water is then:
e a )
+ γ
( R n
) K w ( a w +
b w u 2 )( e s
G )
+ γ
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