Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 25
Sustainable Brownfield Regeneration
C. Paul Nathanail
Abstract Sustainable Brownfield regeneration involves making abandoned,
underused, derelict and, only occasionally contaminated, land fit for a new long-
term use in order to bring long-lasting life back to the land and the community it lies
within. Brownfields sites have been affected by former uses of the site or surround-
ing land; are derelict or underused; are mainly in fully or partly developed urban
areas; may have real or perceived contamination problems; and require intervention
to bring them back to beneficial use. While Brownfields do not have to be contami-
nated, contaminated sites are the focus of this topic so it is important to point out that
risk based contaminated land management is an essential prerequisite to ensuring
efficient deployment of resources to deliver land that is fit for use. Vision and strong
leadership are needed to build up and maintain momentum during the long time
for remediation, reclamation and redevelopment and before regeneration can begin.
Brownfields occur throughout the world and, while local definitions of Brownfield
may vary, there is growing consensus on the opportunity they offer and great ben-
efit on sharing experiences of and good practice in their regeneration. Specialist
Brownfield regeneration process managers are needed to help deliver more success-
ful projects. Suitable enabling policy and facilitating public sector finance usually
lag behind the structural change that causes Brownfields yet must respond quickly
if regions are to survive and deliver the stability and opportunity their citizens have
come to expect.
Doing the Right Thing - Right ...............................
25.2 What are Brownfields? ...................................
25.3 What is Regeneration? ...................................
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