Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Learning Bullet with LibGDX
In the next sections, you will learn how to use Bullet libraries in LibGDX.
Setting up a project
If you are using the old LibGDX project generation ( gdx-setup-ui.jar ) method,
then you'll need to add gdx-bullet.jar to your main project. Alternatively, you can
add the gdx-bullet project to the projects of the build path of your main project.
For your desktop project, you'll need to add the gdx-bullet-natives.jar file to
the libraries. For your android project, you'll need to copy the armeabi/libgdx- file and armeabi-v7a/ file to the libs folder in your
android project.
Bullet isn't supported for GWT at the moment. Alternatively, we can use the LibGDX
Gradle Project Setup ( gdx-setup.jar ) tool where Bullet will be linked altogether
and you don't have to worry about it.
Open the gdx-setup.jar file and enter the following details:
Name : CollisionTest
Package : com.packtpub.libgdx.collisiontest
Game class : MyCollisionTest
Destination : C:\libgdx
Android SDK : <Path to your android-sdk>
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