Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Basic 3D Programming
3D programming is an extremely complex topic, which cannot be explained
completely in a single chapter. However, here I will provide very basic knowledge
about the LibGDX 3D API. In this chapter, you will learn how to generate basic
models (such as sphere, box, and cylinder) as well as loading models exported from
3D modeling software (such as Blender). Furthermore, we will see how to improve
performance using frustum culling.
Selecting items in a 3D world is quite different, yet simpler, than in a 2D game. We
will see how a user can interact with objects inside a 3D world using ray picking.
In this chapter, you will learn about the following topics:
• Create a basic model using the LibGDX 3D API
• Load a 3D model exported from Blender
• 3D frustum culling
• Ray picking
Light sources
Light clusters from the sun fall on an object, which reflect and reach our eye. This is
how we see things. OpenGL ES allows us to create four types of light sources:
Ambient light : This is not exactly a light source, but light reflected from
other objects, thereby limiting the light intensity when compared with
directional lights.
Directional light : This comes from a faraway source. Light from sun is a
perfect example of directional light.
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