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volMusic = MathUtils.clamp(prefs.getFloat("volMusic", 0.5f),
0.0f, 1.0f);
charSkin = MathUtils.clamp(prefs.getInteger("charSkin", 0),
0, 2);
showFpsCounter = prefs.getBoolean("showFpsCounter", false);
The load() method will always try its best to find a suitable and, more importantly,
valid value. This is achieved by supplying default values to the getter methods of the
Preferences class. For example, the call getFloat("volSound", 0.5f) will return
a value of 0.5f if there is no value found for the key named volSound . Before the
value of the sound volume is finally stored, it is also passed to the clamp() utility
method to ensure that the value is within the allowed range of values, which is 0.0f
and 1.0f here.
Next, add the following code to the save() method of the same class:
public void save () {
prefs.putBoolean("sound", sound);
prefs.putBoolean("music", music);
prefs.putFloat("volSound", volSound);
prefs.putFloat("volMusic", volMusic);
prefs.putInteger("charSkin", charSkin);
prefs.putBoolean("showFpsCounter", showFpsCounter);
The save() method is pretty straightforward as it just takes the current values of its
public variables and puts them into the map of the preferences file. Finally, flush()
is called on the preferences file to actually write the changed values into the file.
The second action is to create another class that abstracts all selectable character
skins. Create a new file called CharacterSkin and add the following lines of code:
package com.packtpub.libgdx.canyonbunny.util;
public enum CharacterSkin {
WHITE("White", 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f),
GRAY("Gray", 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f),
BROWN("Brown", 0.7f, 0.5f, 0.3f);
private String name;
private Color color = new Color();
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