Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
After this, modify the init() and render() methods:
private void init (String filename) {
// player character
bunnyHead = null;
// objects
rocks = new Array<Rock>();
goldcoins = new Array<GoldCoin>();
feathers = new Array<Feather>();
// load image file that represents the level data
Pixmap pixmap = new Pixmap(Gdx.files.internal(filename));
// scan pixels from top-left to bottom-right
int lastPixel = -1;
for (int pixelY = 0; pixelY < pixmap.getHeight(); pixelY++) {
for (int pixelX = 0; pixelX < pixmap.getWidth(); pixelX++) {
// rock
else if (BLOCK_TYPE.ROCK.sameColor(currentPixel)) {
// player spawn point
else if
(BLOCK_TYPE.PLAYER_SPAWNPOINT.sameColor(currentPixel)) {
obj = new BunnyHead();
offsetHeight = -3.0f;
obj.position.set(pixelX,baseHeight * obj.dimension.y +
bunnyHead = (BunnyHead)obj;
// feather
else if(BLOCK_TYPE.ITEM_FEATHER.sameColor(currentPixel)) {
obj = new Feather();
offsetHeight = -1.5f;
obj.position.set(pixelX,baseHeight * obj.dimension.y
+ offsetHeight);
// gold coin
else if
(BLOCK_TYPE.ITEM_GOLD_COIN.sameColor(currentPixel)) {
obj = new GoldCoin();
offsetHeight = -1.5f;
obj.position.set(pixelX,baseHeight * obj.dimension.y
+ offsetHeight);
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