Game Development Reference
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origin.x = -dimension.x * 2;
length += dimension.x * 2;
private void drawMountain (SpriteBatch batch, float offsetX,
float offsetY, float tintColor) {
TextureRegion reg = null;
batch.setColor(tintColor, tintColor, tintColor, 1);
float xRel = dimension.x * offsetX;
float yRel = dimension.y * offsetY;
// mountains span the whole level
int mountainLength = 0;
mountainLength += MathUtils.ceil(length / (2 * dimension.x));
mountainLength += MathUtils.ceil(0.5f + offsetX);
for (int i = 0; i < mountainLength; i++) {
// mountain left
reg = regMountainLeft;
batch.draw(reg.getTexture(), origin.x + xRel, position.y +
origin.y + yRel, origin.x, origin.y, dimension.x, dimension.y,
scale.x, scale.y, rotation, reg.getRegionX(), reg.getRegionY(),
reg.getRegionWidth(), reg.getRegionHeight(), false, false);
xRel += dimension.x;
// mountain right
reg = regMountainRight;
batch.draw(reg.getTexture(),origin.x + xRel, position.y +
origin.y + yRel, origin.x, origin.y, dimension.x, dimension.y,
scale.x, scale.y, rotation, reg.getRegionX(), reg.getRegionY(),
reg.getRegionWidth(), reg.getRegionHeight(), false, false);
xRel += dimension.x;
// reset color to white
batch.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1);
public void render (SpriteBatch batch) {
// distant mountains (dark gray)
drawMountain(batch, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
// distant mountains (gray)
drawMountain(batch, 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.7f);
// distant mountains (light gray)
drawMountain(batch, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.9f);
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