Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
The following is a list that defines the mapping between pixel colors and
game objects:
W : This stands for white and is the starting position of the player
(spawn point)
P : This stands for purple and represents the feather
Y : This stands for yellow and represents the gold coin
G : This stands for green and represents the rock
The black background represents empty spaces in the game world.
Create a subfolder in the assets folder named levels and copy the level-01.png
level file into it. After this, add a new constant to the Constants class:
public class Constants {
// Visible game world is 5 meters wide
public static final float VIEWPORT_WIDTH = 5.0f;
// Visible game world is 5 meters tall
public static final float VIEWPORT_HEIGHT = 5.0f;
// Location of description file for texture atlas
public static final String TEXTURE_ATLAS_OBJECTS =
// Location of image file for level 01
public static final String LEVEL_01 = "levels/level-01.png";
This concludes our preparations for the game level. The loading of the level data will
be covered in the next chapter.
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