Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 6. Interaction between Core and Application layers with binding rule.
unit queues. As a first step, the Application Register starts up all the external
connections, then it activates each layer's Exchange, binding them with their
successors. At the end, it proceeds with the activation of a Jetty HTTP server,
responsible for listening and handling all Core and Application nodes requests
(as depicted in Fig. 7 ): (A) attach, (B) status request, (C) change publishing
policy, (D) detach, and (E) reattach request, using a RESTful HTTP paradigm.
4 Performance Evaluation
The implemented architecture has been evaluated through the definition of a real
use case, represented by a Smart Parking scenario. The data traces used for the
Fig. 7. Detail of Application Register module, with possibles actions required by graph
nodes, deepening steps for ATTACH request.
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