Database Reference
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12. Schilit, B.N., Theimer, M.M.: Disseminating active map information to mobile hosts. IEEE
Netw. 8(5), 22 - 32 (1994)
13. Brumitt, B., Shafer, S.: Topological world modeling using semantic spaces. In: Proceedings
of the Workshop on Location Modeling for Ubiquitous Computing, UbiComp, vol. 2001,
pp. 55
62, September 2001
14. Tolle, G., Culler, D.E.: Design of an application-cooperative management system for
wireless sensor networks. In: EWSN, vol. 5, pp. 121 - 132, January 2005
15. Bandyopadhyay, D., Sen, J.: Internet of things: applications and challenges in technology
and standardization. Wirel. Pers. Commun. 58(1), 49 - 69 (2011)
16. OpenLink Software: RDF Performance Tuning (2009).
17. OpenLink Software: Database Server Administration (2009).
18. Soldatos, J., Kefalakis, N., Serrano, M., Hauswirth, M.: Design principles for utility-driven
services and cloud-based computing modelling for the Internet of Things. Int. J. Web Grid
Serv. 10(2/3), 139 - 167 (2014). doi: 10.1504/IJWGS.2014.060254
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