Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
1 Córdoba
Set in a wide valley in the central sierras, Argentina's second
city is a bustling modern metropolis and university town.
Founded in 1573, the city boasts some of the country's most
impressive colonial architecture, including the “Jesuit Block,”
all of which has been carefully preserved. With a population
that is predominantly of Italian descent, Córdoba has a
reputation for warm hospitality and strong civic pride. It's an
important commercial and industrial center, and its proximity
to the mountains makes for a pleasant stopover between
Buenos Aires and the Andean Northwest.
Independencia 30 , formerly
the colonial headquarters, sits
on the western side of the
plaza. The original building was
erected here at the end of the
16th century, functioning at
various times as prison, law
courts, and police station, as
well as provincial parliament.
The present building dates
from the 1780s; elegant arches
decorate the white façade,
while antique lamps hang over
the vaulted colonnade
supported by slender pillars.
The Iglesia Catedral
was built in 1782 and is the
country's oldest cathedral.
Part Baroque, part Neo-
Classical, the church has
towers that are notable for
the angelic trumpet-players
wearing the exotic garb of
the Guaraní craftsmen who
sculpted them. Inside,
rococo features and a floor
of Valencian tiles enliven the
somber atmosphere. A silver
tabernacle is housed in a side-
chapel to the left of the
19th-century main altar.
Also overlooking the
square are the Banco Nación;
the remains of the colonial
mansion of the city's first
bishop, Manuel Mercadillo;
and Museo Gregorio Funes,
which houses a collection of
Catholic artifacts and holds
art exhibitions.
Statue of José San Martín in Plaza San Martín
P Plaza San Martín
Cnr Buenos Aires & San Jerónimo.
Cabildo Independencia 30
Te l (0351) 433-2758. Open 9:30am-
12:30pm, 3-6pm Mon-Fri; 9:30am-
1pm, 3-7pm Sat, Sun, & hols.
Iglesia Catedral Tel (0351) 422-3446.
Open 9am-12:30pm, 4:30-8pm daily.
Since its founding, this single
block has been the focal point
of Córdoba city. Adorned with
Italianate cast-iron fountains,
acacias, palm trees, and native
palo borracho and lapacho
trees, it is a subtropical refuge
from the city. The plaza features
a monument to liberation
hero José San Martín. Loved by
the locals, it is a popular venue
for strolls. The Cabildo
Córdoba Airport
8 miles (13 km)
Plaza San Martín
Museo Histórico
Provincial Marqués
de Sobremonte
Cripta Jesuítica
del Noviciado Viejo
Cripta Jesuítica del
Museo Municipal
de Bellas Artes
Dr Genaro Pérez
Noviciado Viejo
Museo Municipal de
Bellas Artes Dr.
Genaro Peréz
Museo Histórico de la
Universidad Nacional
de Córdoba
Museo Histórico
Provincial Marqués
de Sobremonte
Museo Histórico
de la Universidad
Nacional de Córdoba
Nacional de
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