Image Processing Reference
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The model-based curves for a typical electrostatic system are shown at a nominal
operating point in Figure 9.5a through c with notations V go ¼ U go , X lo ¼ U lo ,
V g ¼ U g , X ¼ U l . Figure 9.5a and c plot photoconductor potentials as a function of
the grid voltage for the unexposed and exposed regions, respectively. Figure 9.5b is
basically a laser power curve, a photo induced discharge curve (PIDC) at the fully
charged photoconductor potential. Points on these
indicate a
nominal operating point (chosen at random to illustrate the approach). V ho and V lo are
voltages at the nominal operating point
gures marked by
When there is no feedback, V ho is
the voltage on the unexposed photoreceptor, for the grid voltage set to V go .Withthe
grid voltage remaining at V go , if the laser power is set equal to X lo , then the photo-
conductor will be exposed to V lo volts (shown in Figure 9.5b).
Let b 11 be the slope of the curve in Figure 9.5a at the point marked
{V go , V ho }. Let
D U g (used synonymously with ul g in Figure 9.4) be the deviation
around V go which would be generated by the controller when the charging control
loop is closed. Let b 22 be the slope of the curve at point
in Figure 9.5b that has
the coordinates {X lo ,V lo }. Similarly, let b 21 be the slope of the curve at point
Figure 9.5c that has the coordinates {V go , V lo }. Let
D U l (used synonymously with ul l
in Figure 9.4) be the deviation about X lo , caused by the electrostatic controller. The
expressions for the deviations in photoreceptor voltages,
D V h and
D V l , can be written
in terms of the small signal deviations {
D U g ,
D U l }{u g , u l }, as follows:
D V h ¼ b 11 D U g D V l ¼ b 21 D U g þ b 22 D U l
V ho
V go =U go
V g =U g (volts)
(a) V g (U g ) V h curve gives slope b 11 at point
'' x. ''
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