Digital Signal Processing Reference
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|z|> 1. According to the main feature of the Pade approximant for the input
power expansions of the form (2.162), both response functions or spectra in
the FPT (±) represent the unique rational polynomials P ± L (z ±1 )/Q ± K (z ±1 ) in
their respective variables z ±1
G N (z −1 )−G ± L,K (z ±1 ) =O(z ±L+K±1 )
G ± L,K (z ±1 ) = P ± L (z ±1 )
L + K≤N.
Q ± K (z ±1 )
As before, the symbolsO(z ±L+K±1 ) are remainders that are themselves the
Maclaurin series starting with the expansion terms z ±L+K±1 . The conven
tional meaning of theO(z ±L+K±1 ) symbols from (2.163) becomes clear when
the GreenPade functions G ± L,K (z ±1 ) are expanded in their own Maclaurin
series. Then the ensuing series agree exactly with the partial sum G L+K con
taining the first L+K≤N terms of the original Green function G N . However,
the remaining N−L−K terms from G N and G ± L,K are different and they
are all contained in the symbolsO(z ±L+K±1 ) from (2.163).
Therefore, for
brevity, (2.163) can take the form
G N (z −1 ) = G ± L,K (z ±1 )
with the understanding that the left and the right sides are equal only up to
the neglected terms of the ordersO(z ±L+K±1 ).
By construction, the rational polynomials G L,K (z) and G L,K (z −1 ) are the
Pade approximants to the finiterank Green function G N and, as such, they
are also called the GreenPade functions [5]. In such functions, P ± L (z ±1 ) and
Q ± K (z ±1 ) represent the numerator and denominator polynomial of the degree
L and K
P ± L (z ±1 ) =
p ± r z ±r
r=r ±
Q ± K (z ±1 ) =
q ± s z ±s
where r + = 1 and r = 0. Because the Green functions G N (z −1 ) and
G L,K (z −1 ) possess the same independent variables z −1 , it is evident that
the FPT (−) is the standard PA, which is denoted by the conventional sym
bol [L/K] G N (z −1 ). On the other hand, in contrast to the input z−transform
G N (z −1 ), the complementary GreenPade function G L,K (z) is introduced in
terms of the variable z and, as such, the FPT (+)
is recognized as the causal
Pade transform, PzT.
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