Digital Signal Processing Reference
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Here, β n becomes proportional to the squared norm of Q n (x) and, hence, all
the parameters{β n
}are strictly positive. Furthermore, since the diagonal case
of the matrix element (2.35) is the normQ n
|Q n (x)| 2 dσ(x) = w n , we
can derive a very simple formula for β n from (2.52) via
2 =
w n
w n−1 .
β n =
Thus, the entire procedure of a numerical construction of the orthonormal
ized polynomials{Q r (x)}with the selfgenerating coe cients{α r r
}is rem
iniscent of the wellknown Lanczos algorithm when applied to the quantum
mechanical position operator x [5]. Moreover, the Lanczos algorithm for phys
ical state vectors can be devised by replacing operator x by the Hamiltonian
H in the scalar recursion (2.49). The polynomials{Q n (x)}are called the
polynomials of the first kind. Every such polynomial Q n (x) of the degree n
has n zeros{x k
}(1≤k≤n). Due to the mentioned assumptions on W(x),
all the quantities{x k }are realvalued simple zeros (x k
= x k for k = k) and
belong to the interval (a,b).
We also need the polynomials of the second kind denoted by{P r (x)}that
are tightly linked to the basis functions{Q r (x)}. Formally, the polynomials
P r (x) satisfy the same recursive relation from (2.49), but the initial conditions
are different
β n+1 P n+1 (x) = (x−α n )P n (x)−β n P n−1 (x)
P 0 (x) = 0
P 1 (x) = 1
Otherwise, both recursions (2.49) and (2.54) are numerically stable. Alter
natively, the polynomials Q n (x) and P n (x) can be introduced by their power
series representations
q r,n−r x r
p r,n−r x r .
Q n (x) =
P n (x) =
Here, the expansion coe cients p r,n−r and q r,n−r can also be computed re
cursively by the same kind of relations from (2.49) and (2.54)
β n+1 p n+1,n+1−r = p n,n+1−r −α n p n,n−r −β n p n−1,n−1−r
p n,−1 = 0
p n,m = 0
(m > n)
p 0,0 = 1
p 1,1 = 1
β n+1 q n+1,n+1−r = q n,n+1−r −α n q n,n−r −β n q n−1,n−1−r
q n,−1 = 0
q n,m = 0
(m > n)
q 0,0 = 1.
It can be shown that the zeros{x k
}of P n (x) interlace with the zeros x k of
Q n (x)
x 1 < x 1 < x 2 < x 2 << x n < x n .
In the mathematical literature, this is known as the Cauchy-Poincare interlac
ing theorem, which was rediscovered in quantum chemistry as the Hylleraas-
Undheim theorem [124].
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