Digital Signal Processing Reference
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time t, as per (2.2). At any two times t and t with t < t , the state|Φ(t ))
can be viewed as a delayed copy of |Φ(t)). Hence, the overlap (Φ(t )|Φ(t))
taken at t < t indeed gives a measure of correlation between the state|Φ(t))
and its delayed copy|Φ(t )). The special case t = 0 gives the autocorrelation
function, C(t) = (Φ(0)|Φ(t)).
Once (2.16) is inserted into (2.17), the following expression is obtained
e −iω k t d k
C(t) =
where Im(ω k ) < 0, as in (2.16). During the derivation of (2.18), the quantity
d k is identified as the matrix element of the projection operator π k taken over
the initial state
d k ≡(Φ 0 k 0 ) = (Φ 0 k ) 2 (2.19)
where symmetry (2.3) of the inner product is used. The result d k = (Φ 0
k ) 2
is the residue linked to the eigenfrequency ω k .
The usefulness of the spectral representation (2.16) can be seen by introduc
ing the Green operator as the operatorvalued Fourier integral of the evolution
dt e iωt U(t).
The operator integral (2.20) can be reduced to the ordinary integration by
substituting the spectral representation of
U(t) into (2.20).
The resulting
scalar integral is carried out via
dt e iωt U(t) =
dt e i(ω−ω k +iǫ)t =
π k (ω−ω k + iǫ) −1 .
π k
Here, ǫ−→0 + is an infinitesimally small positive number known as the Dyson
exponential damping factor, which is introduced to secure convergence at the
upper limit t =∞. As such, the final result is understood with a limit being
taken for ǫ to approach zero through positive numbers, as indicated by the
plus superscript on zero, 0 + . Thus, the Green operator (2.20) becomes
π k
ω−ω k + iǫ
G(ω) =−i
ǫ−→0 + . (2.21)
Im(ω k ) < 0
Now, in principle, the ǫ−damping might safely be set to zero (as will be done
in the sequel), since ω k is already a complex number with Im(ω k ) < 0, as
per (2.16). The sum over k in (2.21) can explicitly be performed to yield the
equivalent exact expression
P K−1 (ω)
Q K (ω) .
G(ω) =−i
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