Digital Signal Processing Reference
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[14] Belkic, Dz., Dando, P.A., Taylor, H.S., Main, J., and Shin, S.K.,
Decimated signal diagonalization for Fourier transform spectroscopy,
J. Phys. Chem. A, 104, 11677 - 11684, 2000.
[15] Deschamps, M., Burghardt, I., Derouet, C., Bodenhausen, G., and
Belkic, Dz., Nuclear magnetic resonance study of xenon131
interacting with surfaces: effective Liouvillian and spectral analysis, J.
Chem. Phys., 113, 1630 - 1640, 2000.
[16] Belkic, Dz., NonFourier based reconstruction technique, Magn.
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[17] Belkic, Dz., Exact analytical expressions for any Lorentzian spectrum
in the Fast Pade transform (FPT), J. Comp. Meth. Sci. Eng., 3, 109 -
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[18] Belkic, Dz., Strikingly stable convergence of the Fast Pade transform
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processing of Lorentzian and nonLorentzian spectra, Nucl. Instr.
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[19] Belkic, Dz., Analytical continuation by numerical means in spectral
analysis using the fast Pade transform (FPT), Nucl. Instr. Meth.
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[20] Belkic, Dz., Error analysis through residual frequency spectra in the
fast Pade transform (FPT), Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A, 525, 379
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[21] Belkic, K., MR spectroscopic imaging in breast cancer detection:
possibilities beyond the conventional theoretical framework for data
analysis, Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A., 525, 313 - 321, 2004.
[22] Belkic, K., Current dilemmas and future perspectives for breast cancer
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[23] Belkic, Dz., and Belkic, K., Fast Pade transform for optimal
quantification of time signals from magnetic resonance spectroscopy,
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[24] Belkic, Dz., Fast Pade transform for exact quantification of time
signals in magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Adv. Quantum Chem., 51,
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[25] Belkic, Dz., and Belkic, K., Mathematical optimization of in vivo
NMR chemistry through the fast Pade transform: Potential relevance
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J. Math. Chem., 40, 85 - 103, 2006.
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