Environmental Engineering Reference
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The constituents ofreservoir oil.
Here, m u - reserves of reservoir oil at reservoir conditions; M B - Mass of wa-
terinthe reservoirareadrained by the end of development, t ; w - watering at the
end of development, the proportion of units; m Π -Mass of mobile oil, t ; m u - Mass
of extracted oil, t ; m H -Mass of the non-removable movable oil, non-removable
t ; m c - Mass of the adsorbed and structured oil t ; m Д - Mass of oil remaining in
pillars, t .
The mobileoil ( m Π ) is part of the reservoir oil moving along layer due to the
impact of external influences.
Recoverablemobile oil ( m u ) is certain part of the mobile oil, which can be ex-
tracted from the reservoir as a result of industrial activity with taking into account
of economic and technological limitations.
Non-removablemobileoil ( m H ) is part of the mobile oil, which will not be
extracted from the reservoir using the technologies as a result of industrial activity
on the economic and technological constraints.
The residual oil ( m ) is part of the reservoir oil, located in the reservoir at the
end of the displacement.
Motionless oil ( m H ) is part of the reservoir oil, remaining motionless in the
reservoir due to external influence.
Sorbed and structured oil ( m c ) is part of motionless oil, retained near the sur-
face of the collector by the intermolecular interaction.
Oil remaining in pillars ( m Д ) is part of motionless oil, is not involved in the
process of drainage.
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