Environmental Engineering Reference
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• Adsorption parameters like PSD, S BET , V meso and V mic for CNT-Textile com-
posite and Textile section (with more probability, ACNF), calculated by
BET, DFT, DRS and HK models and results are compared.
• Pore size distributions and PSD curves are determined from experimental
isotherms like t-plot.
• Samples simulated using GCMC or MDS by assumption is an adequate
simulation cell (cylindrical slit-shape pore).
• Finally, experimental and model results of ACNF and CNT-ACNF and its
effect on PSD and selective adsorption is compared, adapted and model is
Final aim of this research as application view, is preparing novel carbon nano
adsorbent composite which operate as selective adsorption to remove a wide
range of special contaminate from aqueous environments. This detailed review
presents more discussion about carbon nanostructures adsorbents, modeling and
simulation methods in different sections.
Activated Carbon (AC) has been most effective adsorbent for the removal of a
wide range of contaminates from aqueous or gaseous environment. It is a widely
used adsorbent in the treatment of wastewaters due to its exceptionally high sur-
face areas which range from 500 to 1500 m 2 g −1 , well developed internal micropo-
rosity structure [1]. While the effectiveness of ACs to act as adsorbents for a wide
range of pollutant materials is well noted and more research on AC modification
are presented due to the need to enable ACs to develop affinity for special con-
taminants removal from wastewater. [2]. It is, therefore, essential to understand
the various important factors that influence the adsorption capacity of AC due to
their modification so that it can be tailored to their specific physical and chemi-
cal attributes to enhance their affinities pollutant materials. These factors include
specific surface area, pore size distribution, pore volume and presence of surface
functional groups. Generally, the adsorption capacity increases with specific sur-
face area due to the availability of adsorption site while pore size, and micropore
distribution are closely related to the composition of the AC, the type of raw mate-
rial used and the degree of activation during production stage [3]. Here, we sum-
marize the various AC modification techniques and their effects on adsorption
of chemical species from aqueous solutions. Modifications of AC in granular or
powdered form were reviewed. Based on extensive literature reviews, the authors
have categorized the techniques into three broad groups, namely, modification
of chemical, physical and biological characteristics which are further subdivided
into their pertinent treatment techniques. Table 1.1 lists and compares the advan-
tages and disadvantages of existing modification techniques with regards to tech-
nical aspects that are further elucidated in the following sections [1-4].
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