Chemistry Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 4.5 X-ray crystal
structure of Q[6]/M Ln -based
coordination polymers in
the presence of [MCl 4 ] 2
anions: ( top ) a representation
of an overall view of the
coordination features and
supramolecular assembly;
b the honeycomb-like
framework composed of
[MCl 4 ] 2
anions and
c linear coordination
polymers of Ln 3 +
and Q[6] molecules; ( middle )
the progress of precipitation
in the Ln-Q[6]-[CdCl 4 ] 2
systems (Ln = La, Ce, Pr,
Nd), and d - f representatives
of EDS of the white
precipitate from the Ln light -
Ln heavy -Q[6]-[CdCl 4 ] 2
system. Adapted from
Ref. [ 10 ] with permission
from The Royal Society of
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