Chemistry Reference
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Chapter 1
Cucurbit[ n ]uril Chemistry
Abstract Because of their superior molecular recognition properties in aqueous
media, cucurbit[ n ]urils (Q[ n ]s or CB[ n ]s), which bear a rigid hydrophobic cavity
and two identical carbonyl fringed portals, have attracted much attention in supra-
molecular chemistry. Till date, the homologs of unfunctionalized cucurbit[ n ]urils
include 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 14. Meanwhile, a number of substituted cucurbit[ n ]urils
(SQ[ n ]s) and their derivates were reported during the last decade. Therefore, in
this chapter the development of cucurbit[ n ]urils and their derivates is first briefly
reviewed. Importantly, the general properties of out surface-interactions of Q[ n ]s
proposed by us recently and their roles in Q[ n ]-based coordination chemistry or
Q[ n ]-based host-guest/coordination chemistry are also highlighted in this chapter.
Keywords Substituted cucurbit[ n ]urils · Homologs · Outer-surface interactions ·
Supramolecular assemblies · Host-guest chemistry · Coordination chemistry
1.1 Development of Cucurbit[ n ]urils and Their Derivates
Cucurbit[ n ]urils (commonly abbreviated as Q[ n ]s or CB[ n ]s) are among the mac-
rocyclic receptors known to date besides, crown ethers, cryptands, cyclodextrins,
and calixarenes. As the first reported family member, cucurbit[6]uril (Q[6]) was
originally synthesized in 1905 by Behrend and coworkers from the condensation
of glycoluril and formaldehyde under strongly acidic conditions [ 1 ]. However, it
was not until 1981 that Mock structurally characterized Q[6] as a structure com-
prising six pumpkin-shaped glycoluril units linked with 12 methylene bridges
(Fig. 1.1 ) [ 2 ]. Later, the supramolecular chemistry of Q[6] continued to develop
in the 1980s and 1990s as a result of the pioneering work by Mock, Buschmann,
Kim, and their coworkers [ 3 - 6 ].
In 2000, the research groups of Kim and Day performed the successful isola-
tion and X-ray characterization of Q[5], Q[7], and Q[8] (Fig. 1.2 ) [ 7 - 9 ].
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