Chemistry Reference
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The solid-state structures mentioned in this topic include examples of sim-
ple Q[ n ]/metal complexes to polydimensional polymers prepared through direct
coordination of Q[ n ]s with metal ions. There appears to be no limit to the direct
coordination of various kinds of Q[ n ]s with various metal ions. The concept of
structure “inducer” for their structural design are hold promise in the formation
of Q[ n ]/metal-based simple complexes to polydimensional polymers. Although
we do not fully understand the driving forces arising from the structure inducer
that result in the formation of supramolecular assemblies and coordination poly-
mers with the properties, structural novelties, and functionalities exceeding those
obtained by using normal methods, some interactions could be elucidated to
explain the formation of unusual Q[ n ]/metal complexes to exquisite polydimen-
sional polymers. For example, construct coordination networks or frameworks
from alkyl-substituted Q[5] could be attributed to the increased electron density
as a consequence of the electrondonating effect of the alkyl substituents, which
enhances the affinity of portal carbonyl oxygens for the metal ions. Among various
methods of synthesizing these polymers is introducing a third species into a Q[ n ]-
metal salt system, which results in the formation of novel polydimensional coordi-
nation polymers. For example, when an aromatic organic molecule is introduced
into a Q[ n ]-metal salt system and functions as a structure inducer, the presence of
ˀ - ˀ stacking between the aromatic ring of the added organic molecule and por-
tal carbonyl bonds may be observed. In addition, there are C-H ˀ interactions
between the aromatic ring of the added organic molecule and methylene on the
back of the Q[ n ] molecule. An inorganic molecule, such as tetrachloride transition
metal anions [M trans Cl x ] n
anions, may interact with methenyl or methylene on the
back of the Q[ n ] molecules via ion-dipole interaction with the carbonyl carbon
atom of the Q[ n ] molecules. Moreover, special components, such as uranyl spe-
cies, may be used as building blocks to create unusual Q[ n ]/metal-based architec-
tures. In summary, this topic aims at (1) identiication of all uncovered Q[ n ]/metal
complexes and polydimensional polymers through direct coordination; (2) overall
assessment of approaches that have proved to be successful in the construction of
Q[ n ]/metal complexes and polydimensional polymers through direct coordination;
and (3) expansion of Q[ n ]-based coordination chemistry and Q[ n ]-based host-
guest coordination chemistry, which are major parts of the Q[ n ] chemistry. It is
more important that more novel Q[ n ]/metal-based polydimensional coordination
polymers that have potential applications in nanotechnology, molecular sieves,
sensors, gas absorption and separation, ions or molecules transportation, and het-
erogeneous catalysis are expected to be discovered.
1. J.X. Liu, L.S. Long, R.B. Huang, L.S. Zheng, Cryst. Growth Des. 6 , 2611 (2006)
2. W.A. Freeman, W.L. Mock, N.-Y. Shih, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 103 , 7367 (1981)
3. W.A. Freeman, Acta Cryst. B40 , 382 (1984)
4. M.R. Ghadiri, J.R. Granja, R.A. Milligan, D.E. McRee, N. Khazanovich, Nature 366 , 324 (1993)
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