Chemistry Reference
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Fig. 3.38 X-ray crystal structure of the 2D Q[8]/Sr 2 +
network: a an overall view; b an eight-
Q[8]-membered ring isolated from the 2D network; and c and d the superimposed network sheets
in exact order with tubular channels constructed from the eight-Q[8]-membered rings. Adapted
from Ref. [ 59 ] with permission from The Royal Society of Chemistry
Fig. 3.39 X-ray crystal structures of a the unit of four Q[8] molecules with two different host-
guest inclusion complexes; b the inclusion complex b with vertically parallel included Hyb mol-
ecules; c the inclusion complex c with parallel included Hyb molecules that recline in the cavity
of the host Q[8]; d the labeled cesium unit; and e the 3D framework with different nanochannels
molecules in the four-Q[8]-molecule unit, one b complex, and two c complexes.
In turn, both opening portals of the host Q[8] coordinate with cesium cations; each
portal coordinates with one cesium cation in the b complex and each portal coor-
dinates with two cesium cations in the c complex. Thus, the crystal structure of
this compound has a novel 3D framework with different nanochannels constructed
from the Q[8]-based inclusion complexes (Fig. 3.39 e).
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