Chemistry Reference
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a strategy for synthesizing new types of polymers, nanoscience, surface immobili-
zation, and so on [ 45 , 63 ]. In particular, they have led Scherman and coworkers to
publish their first paper on Q[ n ] chemistry in Science in 2012 [ 64 ].
Compared to the significant achievements in Q[ n ]-based host-guest chemistry,
Q[ n ]-based coordination chemistry or Q[ n ]-based host-guest/coordination chem-
istry was gradually developing in the last several years [ 60 ]. In fact, the establish-
ment of Q[ n ] chemistry started with Q[ n ]-based coordination chemistry because
the structural characteristics of the first-characterized member of the Q[ n ] family,
Q[6], was based on the determination of the linear coordination polymer of Q[6]
molecules with Ca 2 + cations [ 2 ]. ~15 % of studies (among ~1800 papers and pat-
ents before the beginning of October 2014, according to a survey by SciFinder),
are directly related to coordination of Q[ n ]s with metal ions. Moreover, recent
works have revealed that Q[ n ]-based coordination chemistry is gradually chang-
ing from simple coordination to novel Q[ n ]/metal ions complex-based polydimen-
sional coordination polymers or supramolecular assemblies. Such structures could
be useful in applications in the areas of nanotechnology, molecular sieves, sen-
sors, gas absorption and separation, ionic or molecular transport, and heterogene-
ous catalysis [ 62 , 65 - 72 ]. This topic mainly highlights achievements based on the
direct coordination of Q[ n ]s with metal ions, their complexes, and corresponding
coordination supramolecular assemblies in the areas of Q[ n ]-based coordination
chemistry and Q[ n ]-based host-guest/coordination chemistry.
1.2 General Properties of Outer-Surface Interactions
of Q[ n ]s
Electrostatic potential surface calculations on Q[ n ]s (Fig. 1.4 ) indicated that the
regions around the portal carbonyl groups on Q[ n ]s are significantly negatively
charged, the inner surface of the cavities is close to electrostatically neutral,
whereas the outer surface of Q[ n is is electrostatically positive. It is not surprising
that almost all research in Q[ n ] chemistry has been focused on utilizing the portals
and cavities to construct supramolecular assemblies through the strong charge-
dipole and hydrogen bonding interactions, as well as hydrophobic and hydrophilic
effect derived from the negative portals and rigid cavities of Q[ n ]s. However, few
of them focus on the interaction of outer surface of Q[ n ]s on the Q[ n ]-based coor-
dination polymer and supramolecular assemblies [ 61 ].
In fact, Chen and coworkers first proposed that the chemical behavior of the
convex outer walls of Q[ n ]s could be explored to develop novel structures and
functional materials when they investigated iodine-assisted supramolecular assem-
blies of helical coordination polymers of Q[ n ] and asymmetric copper(II) com-
plexes [ 73 ]. Further investigation reveals that the outer surface of Q[ n ] exhibits
much higher affinity to the aromatic moieties of an aromatic organic molecule or
ligand in a complex anion than to the other Q[ n ] units; we call the resulting inter-
actions as outer-surface interaction of Q[ n ]s, such as those involved in C-H ˀ ,
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