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Figure 4-2
GMF Dashboard view
Each model can be selected, created, or edited within the dashboard, includ-
ing EMF *. ecore and *. genmodel models. Invoking GMF and EMF wizards is
accomplished using the hyperlink actions throughout, making the dashboard
helpful not only in understanding the workflow, but also in streamlining the invo-
cation of transformation and generation actions during diagram development.
4.2.5 Sample Application Diagrams
The best way to learn how to use GMF is by example, as with most new tech-
nology. The following sections explore most aspects of GMF-based diagram def-
inition in the context of our sample projects, by design. Comments throughout
should illustrate the techniques for developing diagrams, enumerate their relative
pros and cons, and provide the basis for becoming well versed in GMF tooling.
Because diagramming is central to mindmaps, I pay special attention to this
diagram, particularly layout and other usability elements. The requirements
dependency diagram is similar to the mindmap, but the underlying model struc-
tures are different, so we explore how this impacts our mapping model. The sce-
nario diagram enables us to explore the concept of diagram partitioning. Finally,
our business domain modeling diagram explores compartments, customization,
and more advanced labeling techniques.
4.3 Developing the Mindmap Diagram
Our diagram for the mindmap DSL defined earlier is rather straightforward: It is
a simple “box and line” style of diagram, but one that serves us well in introduc-
ing GMF. We start out with a simple default diagram definition to first understand
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