Java Reference
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
< workflow >
<!-- Specify model and output locations -->
< property name="model" value=
< property name="out" value="out" />
<!-- Configure EMF and specify platform location -->
< bean class="org.eclipse.emf.mwe.utils.StandaloneSetup">
< platformUri value="../" />
</ bean >
<!-- Configure model reader to populate model slot -->
< component class="org.eclipse.emf.mwe.utils.Reader">
< uri value="${model}" />
< modelSlot value="model" />
</ component >
<!-- Configure Xpand generator for EMF metamodel invocation -->
< component class="org.eclipse.xpand2.Generator" id="generate">
< metaModel id="mm" class=
< expand value="mindmap2csv::Main FOR model" />
< outlet path="${out}"/>
</ component >
</ workflow >
The comments throughout make this workflow example fairly straight-
forward. The bean element for org.eclipse.mwe.emf.StandaloneSetup
supports the registration of Ecore models using URIs, generated packages, and
those models in our project source path, such as our mindmap.ecore model.
An org.eclipse.mwe.emf.Reader is then configured to fill our model
slot with our dynamic instance. In the Generator component that follows, this
slot is referenced by name in the «EXPAND» element. Note that an «EXPAND» ele-
ment in a workflow takes in its value attribute an «EXPAND» expression, minus
the «EXPAND» keyword (as it is provided by the element name). Note also the
assignment of the ID attribute. When we discuss the use of aspects with Xpand
in Section 14.1.16, “Aspects,” you'll see that this is a required attribute.
To allow for the execution of a workflow that adds extensibility to your
Xpand templates using «AROUND» elements, be sure to specify an ID
attribute of the workflow org.eclipse.xpand2.Generator compo-
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