Java Reference
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borrows from OCL, it is similar except where without is used instead of
symmetricDifference() , and where typeSelect() is used instead of
select()->collect() .
In the context of our mindmap2csv Xpand template, you can see the use of
our rootTopics() extension here. In this case, only the root Topic elements of
our Map will be written out in CSV format.
« DEFINE csvFile FOR Map»
« EXPAND csvFile(title) FOREACH this .rootTopics()-»
Chapter 7, “Developing Model-to-Text Transformations,” has additional
examples of Xtend and Xpand usage.
14.1.16 Workflow Engine
Although it is possible to invoke Xpand templates using Java and even Ant, the
“native” method is to use the Model Workflow Engine (MWE) component of
EMF Technology (EMFT). The workflow engine uses configuration files, which
are Ant-like XML files executed using the Eclipse launcher. Note that this section
concentrates on using the workflow engine in the context of Xpand templates
only. Although additional capabilities exist, such as constraint checking and
Xtend-based model transformation, they fall outside the scope of this topic.
Workflow configuration files support Ant-like properties. The following exam-
ple would set a model property that could be used as ${model} elsewhere in the
workflow. The use of full URIs, such as platform:/resource/ ... shown here,
is recommended practice.
< property name="model"
Note that properties passed into a workflow invocation via Java or Ant over-
ride those defined in the workflow itself. This is a convenient means by which to
develop and later deploy a workflow when the environment of execution
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