Java Reference
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To match all templates with at least one String parameter:
« AROUND *(String s,*) FOR Object»
You can call the underlying definition using proceed() on the implicit vari-
able targetDef . The original parameters are passed to the underlying defini-
tion, but you can modify this with the advice beforehand. You can achieve total
control over the parameters passed using proceed(Object target, List
params) , although no type checking occurs when you do so.
Let's take a look at a simple example of using «AROUND» . Consider this por-
tion of a previous version of the mindmap2csv file template:
« DEFINE Main FOR Map»
« FILE title + "-topics.csv"-»
« EXPAND listElements FOR elements.typeSelect(Topic)»
« DEFINE listElements FOR List[mindmap::Topic]-»
« FOREACH this AS topic-»
« EXPAND csv FOR topic-»
« DEFINE csv FOR Topic-»
Here, the Topic elements are expanded into CSV line entries where their
name, start date, and end date values are written. Let's assume that it's legal to
enter a comment at the top of a CSV file to describe each entry, preceded by a #
sign. If we weren't given access to the template, or if we did not want to modify
it, we could use «AROUND» to noninvasively add a comment line before each
Topic line in our output. This is a new .xpt file with an «AROUND» statement
that lets us do just that:
« IMPORT mindmap»
« AROUND templates::mindmap2csv::listElements FOR List[mindmap::Topic]-»
# Topic Name, Start Date, End Date
Using the qualified name of the «DEFINE» that we want to augment instructs
the generator that this block will be executed in its stead, stating that it should
output a simple comment line and then proceed with the original statement using
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