Java Reference
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This is an example of «IF» and «ELSE» from the ProperySection.xpt
template used in GMF's diagram generation:
« IF createLabel() && isExpandable()-»
« EXPAND createControls(name()+"Control") FOREACH contents-»
« EXPAND createControls(name()) FOREACH contents-»
14.1.8 PROTECT
To mark sections of generated code that are designated for user modification,
Xpand provides a «PROTECT» statement. During regeneration, these regions
are protected from being overwritten. This is the general syntax for «PROTECT»
« PROTECT CSTART expression CEND expression ID expression ( DISABLE )?»
. . .
The CSTART and CEND expressions should be valid comment markers for the
target language—for example, /* and */ for Java comments. The ID expression
should be unique for the execution of the generator. By default, a protected
region is enabled, but you can disable it by adding the DISABLED keyword.
To use protected regions, you must configure a resolver in your workflow
EMF uses the recommended approach for dealing with user-modified code,
and JMerge follows this upon regeneration. To use this approach, insert
@generated JavaDoc comments above class, field, and method declarations.
Removing this tag and modifying it (such as by adding NOT to the end, as in
@generated NOT ) signifies that the block should not be overwritten.
14.1.9 LET
Sometimes it's convenient to create a local variable for use in your template. The
«LET» statement enables you to bind an expression to a variable name using the
following syntax:
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